The keyword "this" is frequently misunderstood when coding with Javascript. It is because its behavior depends on the execution context. Now what is "execution context"? It is mainly of three types. Global Execution Cotnext (GEC), Functional Execution Cotnext (FEC) and Eval. In GEC, it is the global environment which Javascript (JS) is running. If you are running the script in a browser and you use the "this" keyword, it will refer to the "Window" object. But if you are using NodeJS and running the script outside a browser the "this" keyword would refer to the "Process". In FEC the "this" keyword would refer to the execution context created by the code inside the function. EVAL is hen you use the "this" keyword inside an "eval" function. If this does not make sense, don't worry because we are going to understand with an example which is always the best way. Make the following HT...
This the technical blog required for the module Application Frameworks by Indunil Ranawake. Student ID : IT16097520