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Showing posts from February, 2019

NodeJs 101 : A Quick Look

Unless you have been living in a cave in the past several years, you must have heard something about "NodeJS" or just "Node" by now. So what is it and what's all the noise is about? In short, it is JavaScript running outside the web browser. Wait,.... what? ....... JavaScript has always been running in a web browser, hasn't it? Well, not anymore since 2009. Now it runs outside the web browser, but where? .... On the Google's V8 engine. (Sometimes it is called the Chrome V8 engine). V8 engine can convert your JavaScript code to machine code and run it out side the browser. Now don't ask "So What? .....". Because this means, if you are developing on a web application, now you can add stunning behaviors in the client side, as well as complete all the server side scripting with JavaScript. This is the reason for the aforementioned noise, and the reason for JavaScript to become one of the most highest demanding skill in the past severa...